Explore the Outdoors at the Carolina North Forest
In the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill metropolitan area, we’re known for our tracts of natural land and wildlife refuges. It not only preserves the landscape but it also allows us to admire the beauty of it. And there are dozens of locations and options that provide that much-needed connection to Mother Nature. Covering 750-acres between Chapel Hill and Carrboro, the Carolina North Forest, also known as the Horace Williams Tract, offers UNC students and visitors access to miles of complex hiking and biking trails through scenic woodlands. Retreat, relax, and enjoy a respite from the Research Triangle area’s urban landscape. Escape from daily life and enter a world of nature, full of birdsong and bubbling streams, as spring reaches its full bloom.
One of the most popular trails in the Carolina North Forest, known as Pumpkin Loop, is a wide dirt/gravel trail about 2.5 miles long. The twists and turns keep it interesting for both hikers and bikers, and you always have the option to tack on mileage by circling the loop again or taking to the Vine Trail for an out-and-back route that totals 4.6 miles.
Trip Farm Loop is a short 1.7 mile trail that features spring wildflowers—it’s a great time for it! Neverlands Outer Loop is another trail, about two miles long, that features spring wildflowers and follows a track near Lake Ellen.
Crow Branch Overlook is your longer option with a total of almost five miles but also great scenic views.
Wormhole is long and wanders along the outer edge of the woods. It features tunnel-like canopies on its snake-like, 3.1 mile track with a 301ft. elevation gain. If you’re mountain biking, this is a good trail to combine with Crow Branch for around 10 miles of singletrack biking.
To view a map online, just click here and plan your North Forest excursion with a stay at The Inn at Governor’s Club today!
Carolina North Forest